This Jello is wonderful! It might sound like a strange combination, but one taste is all it takes and you will be hooked. It is a great thing to take to any holiday parties, or just to make for your family.

1 small package orange Jello
1 small package raspberry Jello
1 package frozen raspberries with syurp crushed
1 Pomegranate - Seeds only
3/4 C. chopped cranberries
In a large serving dish or jello mold dissolve both packages of Jello in 2 C. Hot water, once dissolved add 1 C. cold water. After Jello is mixed, add fruits and stir. Place Jello in fridge to set. Once Jello is set, serve with whipping cream.
This looks like something super easy to make but looks a little fancier to take to parties. Great idea!! Thanks for all your posts Cheryl!